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Everything You Need to Know About Synthetic Turf for Residential Homes

Posted on 10/11/23 by Tera Stubblefield

A lush, green lawn can transform the appearance of your home. And in neighborhoods in the Liberty Hill, Texas area like Morning Star, Santa Rita, or Cimarron Hills, anything less can mean hefty HOA fines. If you’re considering installing synthetic turf for your home, you’re on the path to a beautiful and functional outdoor space. Below, we’ll explore the various artificial grass options available, what to expect during installation, and the essential maintenance requirements to keep your lawn looking pristine year-round.

closeup golf ball on mini golf course putting green in backyard of Georgetown, Texas home

Synthetic Turf Options

Synthetic turf comes in various styles and materials. Here are some popular options:

  1. Nylon Turf:
    • Durable and resilient, nylon turf is an excellent choice for high-traffic areas.
    • Its strong fibers withstand wear and tear over time.
  2. Polyethylene Turf:
    • Polyethylene turf is known for its natural look and soft texture.
    • It’s a great choice for creating a realistic grass-like appearance.
  3. Polypropylene Turf:
    • Polypropylene turf is budget-friendly and suitable for low-traffic areas.
    • It may not have the same level of durability as other materials but offers a cost-effective solution.


Are you looking to build a rec/practice zone for your athlete? Residents in the Liberty Hill area know we love our football and the most commonly used artificial grass for football fields is often referred to as “FieldTurf” – best known for its durability, shock absorption, and low maintenance requirements.

backyard landscape design with zen garden elements, pergola, and outdoor sculpture

Installing Turf At Your Home

Installing synthetic turf requires careful planning and execution. Here’s what you can expect during the installation process:

  1. Site Preparation:
    • Clear the area of existing vegetation, rocks, and debris.
    • Grade the soil to ensure proper drainage and a level surface.
    • Install a weed barrier fabric to prevent weed growth.
  2. Turf Installation:
    • Roll out the synthetic turf and secure it in place with stakes or adhesive.
    • Trim the edges for a clean and precise fit.
    • Add infill material (typically sand or rubber granules) to support the turf’s structure and improve its longevity.
  3. Maintenance During Installation:
    • Keep foot traffic to a minimum during the installation process to prevent damage.
    • Ensure proper infill distribution for even coverage.


Turf can be incorporated in a range of landscape designs for your front and backyard. We can even integrate artificial grass into a patio extension to add warmth, texture, and dimension to an otherwise plain concrete structure. New homes in the Liberty Hill, Texas area are often built with little more than a 5×7 slab for a back porch. A new patio extension can be an exciting part of your landscape design with the right elements to complement the overall style of your yard and home.

Backyard patio extension with turf squares and landscaped edge behind a white house
Turf Squares overlayed on large concrete patio extension with landscaping along edges behind a white house

Maintenance Requirements for Synthetic Turf

Maintaining your synthetic turf is relatively straightforward. Artificial grass requires far less effort compared to natural grass. Here are essential maintenance tasks:

  1. Regular Brushing:
    • Brush the turf fibers regularly to keep them upright and maintain a natural appearance.
    • Remove leaves and debris to prevent them from accumulating.
  2. Occasional Rinsing:
    • Rinse the turf occasionally to remove dust and pollen.
    • Use a mild detergent and water solution for more thorough cleaning when necessary.
  3. Avoidance of Heavy Objects:
    • Avoid placing heavy objects or furniture on the turf for extended periods to prevent compression.
  4. Repair Tears or Damage:
    • Patch or repair any tears or damage promptly to prevent further issues.
    • Consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for repair procedures.
  5. Pest and Weed Control:
    • While synthetic turf is less susceptible to pests and weeds, monitor and address any issues promptly.
  6. Seasonal Care:
    • Adjust your maintenance routine based on the changing seasons and weather conditions.
    • Periodically inspect the infill material and top up if needed.

Installing and maintaining synthetic turf for your Liberty Hill area home can provide you with a lush, green lawn that enhances your property’s beauty and value, all while requiring less upkeep than natural grass. And help you avoid those pesky HOA fines for brown/dead grass. By choosing the right synthetic turf material, following proper installation procedures, and consistently caring for your artificial lawn, you can enjoy a vibrant and hassle-free outdoor space year-round. With these guidelines in mind, you’ll be well on your way to creating a stunning, functional, and well-maintained synthetic turf lawn that you and your family can enjoy for years to come.

See more of our landscape designs with turf in our gallery.

Serving Leander, Liberty Hill, Georgetown, and Cedar Park, Texas areas.

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Drought Tolerant Landscaping: Tips for Central Texas Homeowners

Posted on 09/29/23 by Tera Stubblefield
graphic with turf in background and text overlay that reads, Eco-Friendly Landscapes: Drought tolerant Landscaping and Grass Alternatives

Texas’ natural fauna as well as modern advancements, offer a lot of opportunities for drought tolerant landscaping in central Texas. Maintaining a green, lush lawn during the summers can be a challenging endeavor. With the added stress of a drought and low water tables in Leander, Liberty Hill, and Georgetown, it can feel nearly impossible. But worry not, we’re going to cover grass alternatives and essential tips to nurture your lawn throughout the year, without wasting water.

Understanding Your Grass and Watering Needs

Different grass types have varied water needs. Whether you have Bermuda or St. Augustine grass, understanding their specific requirements can go a long way in maintaining a green lawn with efficient water usage. For instance, Bermuda grass can thrive on 1 to 1.4 inches of water weekly, while St. Augustine grass requires around 1 inch of water every week during the growing season, and even less in its dormant phase.

Drought Tolerant Landscaping Tips: Grass Goes Dormant


Seeing your grass turn brown can be disheartening, but fear not! Brown grass is often just dormant, conserving energy to bounce back in more favorable conditions. Learn to recognize the signs of dormancy to avoid over-watering and foster a resilient lawn that can withstand both drought and cold conditions.



Timing your watering schedule correctly can save a lot of water. Early mornings are generally the best times to water your lawn to prevent evaporation loss and avoid fungal growth. However, as we approach colder months, consider adjusting your watering schedule to suit the changing climate. The easiest way to make sure you’re watering in an eco-friendly way is to invest in a smart sprinkler system like Rain Bird.



Winter is a time of rest for your lawn. Consider the following tips to prepare your lawn for colder months:


  1. Winter Irrigation: Adjust your irrigation system to water less frequently, as the grass’s water needs decrease during the colder months.
  2. Protecting Plants: Ensure to protect your plants from frost by using protective covers during extremely cold nights.
  3. Leaf Removal: Regularly remove leaves and other debris to prevent disease and pests from harboring in your lawn.
landscape design along breezeway of modern home with gray gravel rock and Texas-native plants
backyard surrounded by trees with raised area for in-ground pool surrounded by turf

Grass Alternatives: Turf for Residential Homes

One of the best moves for drought tolerant landscaping and pesky water restrictions is turf. It’s the best grass alternative and totally beats spray painting your lawn. Installing synthetic turf is a great, long-term solution for many reasons. And is very popular among Leander and Liberty Hill area homeowners. Here’s why:
  1. Year-Round Green: Turf remains green all year round, giving a consistently lush appearance to your lawn.
  2. Low Maintenance: Unlike natural grass, turf requires minimal maintenance, saving time and water.
  3. Durability: Turf is designed to withstand heavy traffic and adverse weather conditions, proving to be a durable alternative.


CLICK HERE for watering restriction updates from the city of Leander, Texas

CLICK HERE for watering restriction updates from the city of Liberty Hill, Texas

A water-wise lawn is not just about conservation; it’s about fostering a landscape that is resilient, beautiful, and attuned to the central Texas climate. With the right strategies in place, you can ensure a happy, healthy garden all year round.

Serving greater Austin areas including Leander, Liberty Hill, Georgetown, and Cedar Park.

backyard landscape design with mini golf putting green in fenced yard behind two story home with multi-level deck and spiral staircase

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Eco-Friendly Landscaping in Texas: The Future of Outdoor Design

Posted on 08/15/23 by Tera Stubblefield

In the heart of Texas, where the sun beats down on rolling hills and rugged terrain, homeowners have a unique opportunity. The increasing temperatures, water scarcity, and concerns about fire safety have prompted a shift in the way we think about landscaping. Enter eco-friendly landscaping—a sustainable and proactive solution for today’s challenges.

What is Eco-Friendly Landscaping?

Eco-friendly landscaping, often known as xeriscaping or native landscaping, is a method of designing and maintaining landscapes in a way that reduces the need for water, protects local ecosystems, and reduces environmental impact. This approach utilizes plants that are native or adapted to the region, minimizes lawn areas that require high water consumption, and implements water-saving irrigation techniques.
close up of round cactus with native grasses and yucca plants

Why Design an Eco-Friendly Landscape?

There are many reasons why Texas residents should care about eco-friendly landscaping. Here are just a few:
  • Water conservation: Central Texas faces periodic droughts, and with increasing global temperatures, water scarcity is becoming a more pressing issue. Lawns and non-native plants can require a significant amount of water. By transitioning to an eco-friendly landscape, homeowners can significantly reduce their water usage, ensuring there’s enough to go around for everyone.
  • Environmental health: Native plants have co-evolved with local insects, birds, and other wildlife. They offer the necessary nutrients and habitat these species need. By incorporating native plants into your landscape, you’re promoting biodiversity and helping the local ecosystem thrive.
  • Fire safety: As temperatures rise, so does the risk of wildfires. Certain plants and landscaping methods can act as firebreaks, slowing down the spread of wildfires. Properly chosen and placed vegetation can provide an added layer of safety for your property.
  • Cost savings: Native plants are adapted to the local climate, which means they require less maintenance, fewer pesticides, and less water. Over time, this can translate into significant savings for homeowners.

Trending Ideas for Eco-Friendly Landscaping in Texas

In addition to the traditional principles of eco-friendly landscaping, there are a number of trending ideas that homeowners in Texas can incorporate into their outdoor spaces. These include:
  • Rainwater harvesting: This is a great way to collect and store rainwater for use in your landscape. Rainwater is soft and free of chemicals, making it ideal for watering plants.
  • Xeriscaping: This is a landscaping style that uses plants that are adapted to dry conditions. Xeriscaping can save you a lot of water and money on your landscaping bill.
  • Native plants: Using native plants in your landscape is a great way to support local wildlife and reduce your impact on the environment. Native plants are also well-suited to the Texas climate and require less water and maintenance than non-native plants.
  • Edible landscaping: This is a trend that is gaining popularity in Texas. Edible landscaping is a great way to grow your own food and reduce your reliance on the grocery store. You can also use edible plants to create a beautiful and functional landscape.
  • Sustainable hardscaping: Hardscaping materials, such as patios, walkways, and retaining walls, can be made from sustainable materials, such as recycled concrete or natural stone. These materials can help to reduce your environmental impact and add beauty to your landscape.


Eco-friendly landscaping is more than a trend—it’s a responsible and smart choice for Texas homeowners. By making these sustainable choices today, we ensure a healthier, safer, and more beautiful Texas for future generations.
Visit the Texas SmartScape site for more helpful info and resources!
If you’re interested in learning more about eco-friendly landscaping in Texas, contact our team today. We would be happy to help you create a beautiful and sustainable landscape for your home.
Contact us today or call 512-260-1430

Trending Landscape Designs in Austin: Merging Function, Sustainability, and Nature

Posted on 07/27/23 by Tera Stubblefield

When envisioning our outdoor spaces for the coming year, we see a clear blend of functional design, eco-conscious materials, and a celebration of the natural environment included in trending landscape designs in Austin. Here’s a dive into some of the key trends in outdoor living:

  1. Eco-Friendly Design & Technology
  2. Accessible & Functional Spaces
  3. Sustainable Materials
  4. Intentional Planting
  5. Innovative Hardscapes

Eco-Friendly Outdoor Technology

The push towards sustainability is driving technological innovations that are kinder to our planet.
  • Smart Sprinkler Systems: Water conservation meets tech. Modern sprinkler systems now come equipped with sensors that adjust based on weather conditions, ensuring optimal watering and minimal waste.
  • Timed Outdoor Lighting: Solar-powered lights and outdoor lighting systems with timers not only save on energy but also provide ambiance when you want, where you want.

Functional Spaces for Modern Living

1. Accessible Spaces:

The modern outdoor design emphasizes inclusivity, ensuring areas are safe and welcoming for everyone. To this end:
  • Safety and Visibility: Enhancements such as adhesive traction tapes on steps, motion-sensing lights in frequented areas, and large, reflective or backlit house numbers improve both accessibility and safety.
  • Ease of Access: Technology-infused features, like being able to lock and unlock doors via smartphones or foot-operated openers installed on door bottom rails, are making a prominent mark, simplifying entries and exits for everyone.

2. Nature-Inspired Spaces / Merging Indoor-Outdoor Spaces:

Today’s homeowners yearn for a seamless transition between the comforts of their interiors and the freshness of the outdoors.
  • Alfresco Designs: Opting for alfresco-friendly flooring, furniture, and décor that align with your home’s interior style ensures a natural flow from indoors to outdoors.
  • Indoor-Outdoor Spaces: Innovative door designs, as Alyce Lopez, Owner and Principal Designer of The True House suggests work, “For homes where square footage is at a premium, adding bi-fold or stacking sliding glass doors is an innovative way to expand interior spaces and embrace the outdoors.” These designs invite in abundant fresh air and natural light, erasing the borders between indoor and outdoor living.
  • Intentional Plantings: Instead of sporadically planting everywhere, create specific plant beds. This can reduce watering needs, as you can group plants by their water requirements. Moreover, fewer but larger beds can be easier to maintain than numerous small ones.

3. Work-From-Home Spaces:

The rise of remote work has spurred the need for tranquil outdoor workspaces.
  • Natural Work Stations: Picture a spacious all-weather table as your desk, shaded by an umbrella. Accents like a gentle water feature or hummingbird feeder can transform your work hours, making them a delightful, nature-infused experience.

Sustainable Materials

With the value of the global sustainable home decor market rising, sustainable materials are not a fleeting trend. They’re here to stay.
  • Reclaimed Elements: Think wood coffee tables made from reclaimed lumber or lounge chairs fashioned from landfill- and ocean-bound plastic.
  • Repurposed with Purpose: Old items get a second life, like DIY planters from repurposed materials or jute welcome mats.
  • Eco-conscious Shopping: Be it biodegradable pots or shopping with brands that prioritize the environment, every choice is a step towards reducing our carbon footprint.

Native Plants

Native plants answer the call for both beauty and sustainability.
  • Vertical Gardens & Drought-Resistant Plants: With changing climate patterns, homeowners are leaning towards water-efficient landscaping. EPA’s digital tools are a great resource, guiding homeowners on the best drought-resistant plants for specific areas and offering water-saving landscaping tips.
  • Alternative Turfs: Traditional lawns are making way for alternative turfs that are more adaptable to various weather conditions and require less maintenance.
  • Celebrating Local Flora: With the unpredictable weather patterns of late, water-efficient landscaping using native and drought-resistant plants is gaining traction. Resources like the EPA’s digital tools guide homeowners toward optimal choices for their specific regions.
yucca plants and flowers native to Texas in natural rock plant bed

Innovative Hardscapes

In Texas, the use of locally-sourced limestone has become increasingly popular. Limestone patios and walkways provide a naturally beautiful, durable, and heat-reflective surface that’s perfect for the Texas sun. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, but it also offers a cooler surface compared to asphalt or concrete, making it a favored choice for many Texan homeowners. Designing your space with functionality in mind, we can use hardscapes to create borders and patios, and add dimension to your landscape design.

Trending landscape designs in Austin are increasingly moving toward a blend of innovative technology, sustainable choices, and designs that prioritize both form and function. As we spend more time in our outdoor spaces, these trends ensure that we do so responsibly, comfortably, and in harmony with nature, and ourselves.

Are you ready to transform your yard? Team up with our expert design team to create a home and life you love. Contact us today to schedule your in-person consultation.


Serving Austin and its greater areas including Leander, Liberty Hill, Georgetown, Cedar Park, Round Rock, Pflugerville, Lago Vista, Lakeway, Marble Falls, Burnet, and Bertram

Best of Texas Landscapes

P.O. Box 1876, Liberty Hill, TX 78642
PH 512-260-1430
