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New Year, New Yard: Cimarron Hills Landscaping in 2024

Posted on 12/01/23 by Tera Stubblefield
blog cover art with overhead image of home with outdoor living and rec areas with text overlay that reads: Planning Your 2024 Landscape Renovation

As the calendar turns a page to welcome 2024, it’s the perfect moment to envision a fresh start for your landscape design. In the affluent and serene neighborhood of Cimarron Hills, where every home boasts its own slice of Texan paradise, landscape renovation is not just about keeping up with the Joneses; it’s about crafting a personal haven that resonates with the rhythm of the seasons and the latest in sustainable design. Let’s explore the 2024 outdoor trends that are set to redefine Cimarron Hills landscaping and how you can start planning your outdoor design renovation today.

Embracing Native Beauty: The Top Plant Picks for 2024

Mexican Bush Sage: landscape flowers in Texas

Texas’s natural flora is a kaleidoscope of resilient and vibrant species that promise to bring life to your garden with minimal environmental impact. The coming year is all about going local with your plant choices. Consider the elegant Texas Lantana, with its clusters of fiery blooms, or the soft silver foliage of the Texas Sage, both of which are drought-tolerant and attract pollinators. For a pop of color, the Bluebonnet remains an iconic choice, while Mexican Feather Grass can add a touch of whimsy to your landscape.

Sustainable Practices: Water Conservation and Beyond

walkway and landscape design for Larkspur homeowner in Leander

With each year, the importance of sustainability in landscaping becomes more pronounced. Water conservation measures are at the forefront of Cimarron Hills landscaping trends. Rainwater harvesting systems are not just eco-friendly but also a practical solution to keeping your landscape lush in the Texas heat. Drip irrigation is another trend that continues to grow, ensuring that every drop of water is utilized efficiently.

Composting is another facet of the sustainable trend. By converting yard and kitchen waste into nutrient-rich compost, you’re not only reducing landfill contributions but also enriching your soil naturally.

2024’s Bold Design Features

The upcoming year is seeing a blend of boldness and subtlety in design features:
  • Outdoor Living Spaces: Expand your home’s living area by creating functional outdoor spaces. Think of outdoor kitchens for the culinary enthusiast or a cozy fire pit area for those starry Texas nights.
  • Edible Gardens: Edible plants are having a moment, and for good reason. They bring a practical and interactive element to your garden. Herb gardens, in particular, are becoming a staple in the Cimarron Hills landscape.
  • Smart Lighting: Integrating smart, solar-powered lighting systems not only enhances the ambiance but also contributes to safety and security.
  • Natural Stone Hardscaping: As a nod to the rugged Texas landscape, natural stone for patios, walkways, and retaining walls is becoming increasingly popular.
patio extension leading from pool to outdoor kitchen and bar top made of white rock with wood and steel beam shade cover

The 2024 Color Palette: Nature-Inspired Hues

In 2024, the trend is steering toward a color palette that reflects the surrounding landscape. Earth tones that blend seamlessly with the natural environment are in vogue. Splashes of wildflower colors—yellows, purples, and reds—are expected to punctuate these muted bases, mirroring the colors of the Texan countryside.

Technology Meets Tradition

Smart technology is infiltrating the world of landscaping with innovations that allow for remote garden monitoring and maintenance. Smart sensors can now regulate irrigation based on real-time weather conditions, and app-controlled landscape lighting systems let you manage the ambiance from anywhere.

Cimarron Hills Landscaping: Get Started on Your Outdoor Renovation

As you look to renovate your garden in Cimarron Hills, start by envisioning the role you want your outdoor space to play in your daily life. Whether it’s a sanctuary for wildlife, a playground for your children, or an entertainer’s dream, your garden can be tailored to fit your vision.


Consult with a local landscape renovation Texas expert who understands the unique climate and soil conditions of Cimarron Hills. Together, you can map out a garden that’s not only in line with the 2024 trends but also personalized to your taste and lifestyle.


Your New Year’s resolution might just be a commitment to the environment, a pledge to spend more time outdoors, or a desire to beautify your corner of the world. Whatever your motivation, let 2024 be the year your garden transformation becomes a reality.


Renovating your landscape is an exciting journey, and with local Cimarron Hills landscaping trends, the possibilities are as expansive as the Texas sky. With thoughtful planning and an eye for sustainable, trend-forward designs, your garden will not just be ready for the new year but set to thrive for many seasons to come.


See more design inspiration inside our gallery or follow us on Instagram.

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Trending Landscape Designs in Austin: Merging Function, Sustainability, and Nature

Posted on 07/27/23 by Tera Stubblefield

When envisioning our outdoor spaces for the coming year, we see a clear blend of functional design, eco-conscious materials, and a celebration of the natural environment included in trending landscape designs in Austin. Here’s a dive into some of the key trends in outdoor living:

  1. Eco-Friendly Design & Technology
  2. Accessible & Functional Spaces
  3. Sustainable Materials
  4. Intentional Planting
  5. Innovative Hardscapes

Eco-Friendly Outdoor Technology

The push towards sustainability is driving technological innovations that are kinder to our planet.
  • Smart Sprinkler Systems: Water conservation meets tech. Modern sprinkler systems now come equipped with sensors that adjust based on weather conditions, ensuring optimal watering and minimal waste.
  • Timed Outdoor Lighting: Solar-powered lights and outdoor lighting systems with timers not only save on energy but also provide ambiance when you want, where you want.

Functional Spaces for Modern Living

1. Accessible Spaces:

The modern outdoor design emphasizes inclusivity, ensuring areas are safe and welcoming for everyone. To this end:
  • Safety and Visibility: Enhancements such as adhesive traction tapes on steps, motion-sensing lights in frequented areas, and large, reflective or backlit house numbers improve both accessibility and safety.
  • Ease of Access: Technology-infused features, like being able to lock and unlock doors via smartphones or foot-operated openers installed on door bottom rails, are making a prominent mark, simplifying entries and exits for everyone.

2. Nature-Inspired Spaces / Merging Indoor-Outdoor Spaces:

Today’s homeowners yearn for a seamless transition between the comforts of their interiors and the freshness of the outdoors.
  • Alfresco Designs: Opting for alfresco-friendly flooring, furniture, and décor that align with your home’s interior style ensures a natural flow from indoors to outdoors.
  • Indoor-Outdoor Spaces: Innovative door designs, as Alyce Lopez, Owner and Principal Designer of The True House suggests work, “For homes where square footage is at a premium, adding bi-fold or stacking sliding glass doors is an innovative way to expand interior spaces and embrace the outdoors.” These designs invite in abundant fresh air and natural light, erasing the borders between indoor and outdoor living.
  • Intentional Plantings: Instead of sporadically planting everywhere, create specific plant beds. This can reduce watering needs, as you can group plants by their water requirements. Moreover, fewer but larger beds can be easier to maintain than numerous small ones.

3. Work-From-Home Spaces:

The rise of remote work has spurred the need for tranquil outdoor workspaces.
  • Natural Work Stations: Picture a spacious all-weather table as your desk, shaded by an umbrella. Accents like a gentle water feature or hummingbird feeder can transform your work hours, making them a delightful, nature-infused experience.

Sustainable Materials

With the value of the global sustainable home decor market rising, sustainable materials are not a fleeting trend. They’re here to stay.
  • Reclaimed Elements: Think wood coffee tables made from reclaimed lumber or lounge chairs fashioned from landfill- and ocean-bound plastic.
  • Repurposed with Purpose: Old items get a second life, like DIY planters from repurposed materials or jute welcome mats.
  • Eco-conscious Shopping: Be it biodegradable pots or shopping with brands that prioritize the environment, every choice is a step towards reducing our carbon footprint.

Native Plants

Native plants answer the call for both beauty and sustainability.
  • Vertical Gardens & Drought-Resistant Plants: With changing climate patterns, homeowners are leaning towards water-efficient landscaping. EPA’s digital tools are a great resource, guiding homeowners on the best drought-resistant plants for specific areas and offering water-saving landscaping tips.
  • Alternative Turfs: Traditional lawns are making way for alternative turfs that are more adaptable to various weather conditions and require less maintenance.
  • Celebrating Local Flora: With the unpredictable weather patterns of late, water-efficient landscaping using native and drought-resistant plants is gaining traction. Resources like the EPA’s digital tools guide homeowners toward optimal choices for their specific regions.
yucca plants and flowers native to Texas in natural rock plant bed

Innovative Hardscapes

In Texas, the use of locally-sourced limestone has become increasingly popular. Limestone patios and walkways provide a naturally beautiful, durable, and heat-reflective surface that’s perfect for the Texas sun. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, but it also offers a cooler surface compared to asphalt or concrete, making it a favored choice for many Texan homeowners. Designing your space with functionality in mind, we can use hardscapes to create borders and patios, and add dimension to your landscape design.

Trending landscape designs in Austin are increasingly moving toward a blend of innovative technology, sustainable choices, and designs that prioritize both form and function. As we spend more time in our outdoor spaces, these trends ensure that we do so responsibly, comfortably, and in harmony with nature, and ourselves.

Are you ready to transform your yard? Team up with our expert design team to create a home and life you love. Contact us today to schedule your in-person consultation.


Serving Austin and its greater areas including Leander, Liberty Hill, Georgetown, Cedar Park, Round Rock, Pflugerville, Lago Vista, Lakeway, Marble Falls, Burnet, and Bertram

Best of Texas Landscapes

P.O. Box 1876, Liberty Hill, TX 78642
PH 512-260-1430
