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New Year, New Yard: Cimarron Hills Landscaping in 2024

Posted on 12/01/23 by Tera Stubblefield
blog cover art with overhead image of home with outdoor living and rec areas with text overlay that reads: Planning Your 2024 Landscape Renovation

As the calendar turns a page to welcome 2024, it’s the perfect moment to envision a fresh start for your landscape design. In the affluent and serene neighborhood of Cimarron Hills, where every home boasts its own slice of Texan paradise, landscape renovation is not just about keeping up with the Joneses; it’s about crafting a personal haven that resonates with the rhythm of the seasons and the latest in sustainable design. Let’s explore the 2024 outdoor trends that are set to redefine Cimarron Hills landscaping and how you can start planning your outdoor design renovation today.

Embracing Native Beauty: The Top Plant Picks for 2024

Mexican Bush Sage: landscape flowers in Texas

Texas’s natural flora is a kaleidoscope of resilient and vibrant species that promise to bring life to your garden with minimal environmental impact. The coming year is all about going local with your plant choices. Consider the elegant Texas Lantana, with its clusters of fiery blooms, or the soft silver foliage of the Texas Sage, both of which are drought-tolerant and attract pollinators. For a pop of color, the Bluebonnet remains an iconic choice, while Mexican Feather Grass can add a touch of whimsy to your landscape.

Sustainable Practices: Water Conservation and Beyond

walkway and landscape design for Larkspur homeowner in Leander

With each year, the importance of sustainability in landscaping becomes more pronounced. Water conservation measures are at the forefront of Cimarron Hills landscaping trends. Rainwater harvesting systems are not just eco-friendly but also a practical solution to keeping your landscape lush in the Texas heat. Drip irrigation is another trend that continues to grow, ensuring that every drop of water is utilized efficiently.

Composting is another facet of the sustainable trend. By converting yard and kitchen waste into nutrient-rich compost, you’re not only reducing landfill contributions but also enriching your soil naturally.

2024’s Bold Design Features

The upcoming year is seeing a blend of boldness and subtlety in design features:
  • Outdoor Living Spaces: Expand your home’s living area by creating functional outdoor spaces. Think of outdoor kitchens for the culinary enthusiast or a cozy fire pit area for those starry Texas nights.
  • Edible Gardens: Edible plants are having a moment, and for good reason. They bring a practical and interactive element to your garden. Herb gardens, in particular, are becoming a staple in the Cimarron Hills landscape.
  • Smart Lighting: Integrating smart, solar-powered lighting systems not only enhances the ambiance but also contributes to safety and security.
  • Natural Stone Hardscaping: As a nod to the rugged Texas landscape, natural stone for patios, walkways, and retaining walls is becoming increasingly popular.
patio extension leading from pool to outdoor kitchen and bar top made of white rock with wood and steel beam shade cover

The 2024 Color Palette: Nature-Inspired Hues

In 2024, the trend is steering toward a color palette that reflects the surrounding landscape. Earth tones that blend seamlessly with the natural environment are in vogue. Splashes of wildflower colors—yellows, purples, and reds—are expected to punctuate these muted bases, mirroring the colors of the Texan countryside.

Technology Meets Tradition

Smart technology is infiltrating the world of landscaping with innovations that allow for remote garden monitoring and maintenance. Smart sensors can now regulate irrigation based on real-time weather conditions, and app-controlled landscape lighting systems let you manage the ambiance from anywhere.

Cimarron Hills Landscaping: Get Started on Your Outdoor Renovation

As you look to renovate your garden in Cimarron Hills, start by envisioning the role you want your outdoor space to play in your daily life. Whether it’s a sanctuary for wildlife, a playground for your children, or an entertainer’s dream, your garden can be tailored to fit your vision.


Consult with a local landscape renovation Texas expert who understands the unique climate and soil conditions of Cimarron Hills. Together, you can map out a garden that’s not only in line with the 2024 trends but also personalized to your taste and lifestyle.


Your New Year’s resolution might just be a commitment to the environment, a pledge to spend more time outdoors, or a desire to beautify your corner of the world. Whatever your motivation, let 2024 be the year your garden transformation becomes a reality.


Renovating your landscape is an exciting journey, and with local Cimarron Hills landscaping trends, the possibilities are as expansive as the Texas sky. With thoughtful planning and an eye for sustainable, trend-forward designs, your garden will not just be ready for the new year but set to thrive for many seasons to come.


See more design inspiration inside our gallery or follow us on Instagram.

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HOA-Friendly Xeriscaping: Ideas and What You Need to Know

Posted on 11/08/23 by Tera Stubblefield
cover art for blog with Agave plant in the background and text overlay that reads, HOA Friendly Xeriscaping: Ideas and What You Need to Know

The vibrant communities of Liberty Hill and Georgetown, Texas, are known for their unique blend of rural charm and suburban sophistication. Neighborhoods like Rancho Santa Fe, Santa Rita Ranch, and Cimarron Hills exemplify this blend with their lush landscapes and environmentally conscious residents. With an eye on sustainability and legality, let’s delve into the art of xeriscaping — a landscaping philosophy that’s not just beautiful and cost-effective but also a right for Texans living under HOA governance.

What is Xeriscaping?

In the heart of Texas, where the sun bathes the earth in its relentless warmth, xeriscaping emerges not just as a trend but as a necessity. This landscaping technique harnesses the beauty of drought-tolerant plants and efficient irrigation methods to create verdant outdoor spaces that require minimal water resources. It's an ingenious way to save on utility bills while contributing to the community's aesthetic and ecological well-being.

Texas and Xeriscaping

Despite Texas' reputation for extreme weather and bouts of heavy rainfall, its climate can be unforgivingly dry, making xeriscaping an ideal solution. Recognizing the environmental and economic benefits, the State of Texas has empowered homeowners with the right to adopt water-saving landscaping techniques. This means that while HOAs in areas such as Rancho Santa Fe, Santa Rita Ranch, and Cimarron Hills can guide the aesthetics, they cannot unreasonably restrict the use of drought-resistant landscapes.

Legislative Support for Water Conservation

Under Texas Property Code Section 202.007, homeowners have the right to implement xeriscaping without facing prohibitive HOA regulations. This includes the installation of water-efficient irrigation systems like drip irrigation, utilization of rainwater harvesting, and composting. Although HOAs can mandate a review of xeriscaping plans, they must adhere to state laws that favor water conservation.

Eco-Friendly Xeriscaping Ideas

Creating a xeriscape in central Texas communities such as Liberty Hill and Georgetown involves selecting plants that thrive in the local climate while conserving water. Here are some ideas:


Turf Squares overlayed on large concrete patio extension with landscaping along edges behind a white house
  • Native Plants: Opt for Texas natives like Blue Sage, Autumn Sage, and Texas Lantana, which are well-adapted to the region's weather patterns.
  • Layering: Implement a layered landscape design using varying plant heights and colors to create depth and interest without relying on water-intensive greenery.
  • Mulching: Use organic mulch to retain soil moisture and reduce evaporation, further diminishing the need for irrigation.
  • Grass Alternatives: Instead of traditional lawns, consider buffalo grass or blue grama for a turf that's naturally drought-resistant.

Outdoor Living Spaces and Hardscapes

Xeriscaping extends beyond plant selection into the realm of hardscaping. In Liberty Hill and Georgetown, incorporating stone and native materials can create outdoor living spaces that blend seamlessly with the natural environment while reducing water usage.


  • Patios and Walkways: Use local stones or recycled materials to build patios and paths that require no watering at all.
  • Decorative Rocks and Gravel: Replace areas where grass might struggle with an artful arrangement of rocks or gravel that compliments your plants and reduces water demand.
  • Water Features: If desired, add a water feature that recirculates water, offering the tranquil sound of flowing water without high consumption.

HOA Friendly Design Plans: What You Need to Know

When planning your xeriscape, it's crucial to understand HOA requirements in neighborhoods like Cimarron Hills, Santa Rita Ranch, and Rancho Santa Fe. While your right to xeriscape is protected, working within the HOA's guidelines will ensure a smooth transition to your new eco-friendly landscape.
  • Plan Submission: Most HOAs will require a detailed plan of your xeriscape design. This should include plant choices, design layout, and irrigation plans.
  • Aesthetics: While HOAs cannot prohibit xeriscaping, they can regulate it to ensure it complements the neighborhood's look. Choose plants and designs that are both water-wise and visually appealing.
  • Irrigation: Detail your water-conserving irrigation approach, showcasing how it will save water while keeping your landscape thriving.
  • Materials: If your design includes non-plant elements like rocks or gravel, select materials that are in harmony with local standards and natural landscapes.

In conclusion, xeriscaping in central Texas is not only environmentally savvy but also a legally supported approach to landscaping. Whether you reside in the serene expanses of Rancho Santa Fe, the active environs of Santa Rita Ranch, or the luxurious confines of Cimarron Hills, a well-planned xeriscape can enhance your property's value, diminish your water usage, and contribute to a sustainable future. Embrace the beauty of xeriscaping, and transform your outdoor space into a testament to the beauty of Texas that you can enjoy all year.


Find more landscape design inspiration inside our gallery or follow us on Instagram.

Eco-Friendly Landscaping in Texas: The Future of Outdoor Design

Posted on 08/15/23 by Tera Stubblefield

In the heart of Texas, where the sun beats down on rolling hills and rugged terrain, homeowners have a unique opportunity. The increasing temperatures, water scarcity, and concerns about fire safety have prompted a shift in the way we think about landscaping. Enter eco-friendly landscaping—a sustainable and proactive solution for today’s challenges.

What is Eco-Friendly Landscaping?

Eco-friendly landscaping, often known as xeriscaping or native landscaping, is a method of designing and maintaining landscapes in a way that reduces the need for water, protects local ecosystems, and reduces environmental impact. This approach utilizes plants that are native or adapted to the region, minimizes lawn areas that require high water consumption, and implements water-saving irrigation techniques.
close up of round cactus with native grasses and yucca plants

Why Design an Eco-Friendly Landscape?

There are many reasons why Texas residents should care about eco-friendly landscaping. Here are just a few:
  • Water conservation: Central Texas faces periodic droughts, and with increasing global temperatures, water scarcity is becoming a more pressing issue. Lawns and non-native plants can require a significant amount of water. By transitioning to an eco-friendly landscape, homeowners can significantly reduce their water usage, ensuring there’s enough to go around for everyone.
  • Environmental health: Native plants have co-evolved with local insects, birds, and other wildlife. They offer the necessary nutrients and habitat these species need. By incorporating native plants into your landscape, you’re promoting biodiversity and helping the local ecosystem thrive.
  • Fire safety: As temperatures rise, so does the risk of wildfires. Certain plants and landscaping methods can act as firebreaks, slowing down the spread of wildfires. Properly chosen and placed vegetation can provide an added layer of safety for your property.
  • Cost savings: Native plants are adapted to the local climate, which means they require less maintenance, fewer pesticides, and less water. Over time, this can translate into significant savings for homeowners.

Trending Ideas for Eco-Friendly Landscaping in Texas

In addition to the traditional principles of eco-friendly landscaping, there are a number of trending ideas that homeowners in Texas can incorporate into their outdoor spaces. These include:
  • Rainwater harvesting: This is a great way to collect and store rainwater for use in your landscape. Rainwater is soft and free of chemicals, making it ideal for watering plants.
  • Xeriscaping: This is a landscaping style that uses plants that are adapted to dry conditions. Xeriscaping can save you a lot of water and money on your landscaping bill.
  • Native plants: Using native plants in your landscape is a great way to support local wildlife and reduce your impact on the environment. Native plants are also well-suited to the Texas climate and require less water and maintenance than non-native plants.
  • Edible landscaping: This is a trend that is gaining popularity in Texas. Edible landscaping is a great way to grow your own food and reduce your reliance on the grocery store. You can also use edible plants to create a beautiful and functional landscape.
  • Sustainable hardscaping: Hardscaping materials, such as patios, walkways, and retaining walls, can be made from sustainable materials, such as recycled concrete or natural stone. These materials can help to reduce your environmental impact and add beauty to your landscape.


Eco-friendly landscaping is more than a trend—it’s a responsible and smart choice for Texas homeowners. By making these sustainable choices today, we ensure a healthier, safer, and more beautiful Texas for future generations.
Visit the Texas SmartScape site for more helpful info and resources!
If you’re interested in learning more about eco-friendly landscaping in Texas, contact our team today. We would be happy to help you create a beautiful and sustainable landscape for your home.
Contact us today or call 512-260-1430

Winter: The Ideal Time to Plan Your Next Landscape Project

Posted on 12/22/22 by Tera Stubblefield

After surveying your yard, you realize your landscape is looking a little drab and could use a makeover. You do your research, check out some online designs, and are ready to schedule your next landscaping project! So, of course, it makes perfect sense to wait until the spring to get started right? Wrong.

But why is that? Well, because other residents in the greater Austin area are thinking that too. Many people consider spring to be the ideal time for their landscaping projects, but it’s actually quite the opposite. The truth is, if you want to enjoy your new outdoor area to the fullest, your project planning needs to be started in early winter.

Spring is the busiest and craziest time of year for landscape companies. You want to know you can have everything you’d like included in your final design, and if there are any issues with your original choices, you’ll want ample time to make the necessary changes.

At Best of Texas Landscapes, we recommend that our clients begin planning out their new landscape project during the winter for several important reasons.

1. Scheduling ahead of time ensures your job can be completed sooner

As previously stated, the spring rush is the peak season for lawn and landscape companies across the country. Think Black Friday but with more flowers and less pushing and shoving.

The goal is to be able to enjoy your new landscape by next spring, so you don't want to have your job pushed back or started too late. If you try scheduling your landscape project for after winter, you could end up at the end of a very long waitlist.

Skip the line by planning ahead in the winter. The sooner you set up a consultation to speak with one of our landscape designers, the earlier we can start and finish the project so your landscape is one of the first ones completed for the spring season!

2.Inspecting, analyzing, and troubleshooting landscape issues is easier in the winter

While walking around your property you or the landscapers may realize, upon closer inspection, that there are one or more issues with your outdoor space. It's nothing to be worried about, but it is important that any problems are addressed before getting started on your new landscape design.

Since most plants and softscapes have almost no foliage during the colder months, it makes it easier to diagnose common landscape issues with:


We can help amend these problems earlier, which in turn saves you money on future repairs and maintenance that you would've had to pay for later on if these landscape issues had gone unnoticed.

3. More softscape and planting options are available when Spring arrives!

Limited supplies of annual flowers and other plantings are probably one of the biggest issues you'll run into by planning your landscape project for the spring. Nurseries always sell out of seasonal plants the fastest since everyone wants to redo their landscapes and flower beds at the same time.

If you want to guarantee that certain plants and softscapes will be available for your design, you shouldn't delay your project until the spring. Our team will have plenty of time to put an order in so they arrive in time for the season.

4. Winter provides ample time to plan for your next landscape project

Some people often have more free time during this time of year. Use that time wisely to plan out your landscape project and consider all that you'd like added to your outdoor living space. There are so many elements that can be incorporated into your design. We find that many of our clients love to include these landscape features in their projects:

landscape design with outdoor seating of natural rock and tiered raised plant beds

Beat everyone in your neighborhood to the punch by planning your landscape project in the winter so it’s fully installed and in bloom by the Spring!

Don't make the common mistake of waiting until spring to start designing your landscape project. Every outdoor living space is different, so we like to be detailed about every client's job to ensure the best and most efficient service possible.


Get ahead of the curve by calling Best of Texas Landscapes at (512) 260-1430. Our crew can design and install a beautiful landscape for your home or business in the greater Austin area that fits your desired images and ideas!

Best of Texas Landscapes

P.O. Box 1876, Liberty Hill, TX 78642
PH 512-260-1430
