50 Ways to Take it Outside

Posted on 03/27/20 by Tera Stubblefield
Blog featured image for Best of Texas Landscapes, "Take it Outside"

Are you running out of ways to keep the kids entertained? To keep yourself entertained? We may be stuck at home, but we can still find ways to have a little fun. We also need to make sure we're getting our daily dose of Vitamin D to stay healthy and keep our spirits up.

Use these ideas to avoid getting cabin fever and take it outside.

Backyard Fun When You're Stuck at Home

  1. Build an outdoor fort
  2. Build a fairy house or take it one step further with a whole garden
  3. Star gaze - Download an app to find the constellations
  4. Get artsy with chalk or water soluble paint
  5. Hunt for worms
  6. Play flashlight tag
  7. Go on a nature scavenger hunt
  8. Create a nature journal to collect and record what you find
  9. Make a bird feeder and watch the birds
  10. Make luminaries and light up your driveway
  11. Make a rock garden
  12. Backyard Bowling - set up "pins" with whatever you've got handy and use your ball of choice
  13. Water balloon race - hold your balloon with a large kitchen spoon in front of you as you race across the yard. Don't drop it! Best as a relay.
  14. Get active - set up a workout circut the whole family can do. Jump rope, skip, whatever gets your heart pumping.
  15. Meditate - practice mindfullness with quiet time circles, stretching, yoga or reading aloud
  16. Go all in picnic style and lunch outdoors or host a fancy tea party
  17. Paint rocks with uplifting messages or pretty pictures
  18. Make a time capsule
  19. Make an outdoor race car track
  20. Go camping in the backyard
  21. Take the TV outside and do movie night under the stars
  22. Turn up the music and make it a dance party
  23. Water Play - Chase the kids with the hose or make it a limbo game, water's always fun
  24. Got a tarp and a sprinkler? Splash pad!
  25. Water balloon pinatas anyone?
  26. Bubbles! Make your own bubble solution and get huge bubbles with a couple of sticks and some twine.
  27. Hula Hoop contest
  28. Jump rope contest
  29. Family sack race - large pillow cases work great!
  30. Order a hammock
  31. Make a swing
  32. Design an outdoor play zone
  33. Create a reading nook or garden teepee
  34. Set up a miniature golf course
  35. Lots of boxes from all those deliveries? Set up an angry birds IRL with boxes, balloons and your stuffed animal "angry bird."
  36. Use a little spray paint to make your own outdoor Twister board
  37. Create an outdoor puppet theater
  38. Play a lawn game like horseshoes or bean bag toss
  39. Order a tumble mat
  40. Has everyone grown out of those old hoola hoops? Cut them in half and grab some old golf clubs for a game of croquet
  41. Design your garden retreat
  42. Spruce things up with outdoor lighting
  43. Paint an outdoor chalkboard
  44. Build a sun-dial
  45. Build an obstacle course for remote control cars
  46. Turn that old storage unit into a She-Shed or Man-Cave
  47. Got a kiddie pool lying around? See who can build a mini-boat that floats - challenge your family to use whatever they can find.
  48. Got a competitive streak? Make your own Family Olympics challenge.
  49. Does everyone need a timeout? Make personal sheet tents with a hoola hoop, draped with a sheet, hanging from a tree limb.
  50. Get crafty with 85 more ways to transform your backyard
Angry Birds In Real Life
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Make Your Outdoor Space Liveable

If you're thinking to yourself, "Our backyard is the last place anyone wants to hang out..." give us a call. Whether you're dealing with dead grass that hurts to play on, drainage issues that create messy situations, or even a lack of privacy - we can help turn your backyard into an extension of your home everyone will want to enjoy. You didn't buy an apartment, why live like you're still in one?

It's time to get creative and take advantage of the blessings we have. It's time to take it outside!