Landscape Design for Central Texas

Posted on 06/21/18 by Tera Stubblefield

In Central Texas, designing a beautiful landscape can often mean enhancing the natural elements that Texas has already given us. However, with a lush native landscape and a fairly mild climate, we’re also able to enjoy plants from many regions.

With so many options, it’s important to consult with a professional landscape designer. A seamless design connects your home’s interior to its exterior, increasing your overall living area. By hiring a professional, you can transform the look and appeal of your outdoor space to make your yard more functional and inviting.


First things first, you need to have a plan before you begin shopping for plants, pavers and other items to redo your outdoor space. A landscape designer can help you create a design plan that fits your budget and meets your goals, so you can choose materials and plants according to functionality and your design aesthetic. Then, you’ll have a realistic idea of how much your project will cost, how long it will take to complete, and what your ultimate vision will look like.

Survey Your Property

Central Texas is home to just about every kind of terrain you can think of, from rolling hills to vast fields, groundwater, layers of rock, red clay and lots of cactus. If drainage is an issue on your property, that will need to be addressed before the installation of plants or hardscapes. If your home faces north, you’ll need to plan for blasts of cold air and a lack of direct sunlight.

Understanding what your challenges are will help you build a realistic plan for construction. Some places around the Austin area, like Lakeway or Lago Vista for instance, are very rocky, and may require more time or added equipment to complete certain projects like a deck or fence installation.

Planning Your Space

Visualize your outdoor space as an extension of your home, so that each individual space flows seamlessly to the next. Knowing how to best utilize your space will help you place plants accordingly. Decide if there are any kinds of functional spaces you’d like to include, where they should go and what needs to be built. That will help you identify where you need specific elements, like added privacy for a yoga or meditation garden.

Remodel Planning

Even if you’re planning to spread your project out over time, it’s important to have a plan based on one grand vision. This will help you stay on track toward your goal and save you time and money. Instead of back-tracking and changing newly installed elements, build towards that grand vision so elements installed now will complement those installed later.


Before you begin installing plants or constructing design elements, make sure your project is executed in a logical order. If you need a new sprinkler system, that needs to be done before you install new sod. Remodeling your front and back yards? Start in the back so you don’t hurt the front yard with contractors trying to access the back. By planning to install in logical steps, you won’t waste time and money by damaging new or existing designs.

Now that you know why you need a landscape design and what to plan for, our next installment will go over different landscaping elements to consider for your project, and which backyard designs are trending in the Austin area.

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